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Central Activity Zone – workshop invitation

Heart of London Business Alliance are working alongside Central London Forward on a series of workshops to establish London’s Central Activity Zone Futures Action Plan.

The Central Activities Zone (CAZ) is London’s vibrant centre, including the West End, and considered one of the world’s most attractive and competitive business locations. It’s home to Home to 1 in 20 jobs in UK and contributes 8% of GVA nationally.

Post-pandemic, the CAZ is seeing a long-term structural shift in the retail sector, a slow recovery in international visitors and potentially lasting change to commuting patterns.

To establish an effective action plan, we would like to invite our members to participate in a West End specific workshop, to share their unique experiences of operating as a business in the area, identify gaps and areas of potential collaboration and set out a shared vision for recovery.

27th July, 2.30-4.00pm, Online – A West End Focus

A West End-specific online workshop with businesses to explore the issues around recovery in the West End, what central London will look like in five years’ time and how local authorities can aid business.

Central London Forward are also running the following workshops which they welcome further participants.

13th July 14:00 – 16:00, Online: Rethinking office use and workspace – The nature of work in offices and behavioural changes

14th July, 14:00 – 16:00, Guildhall: Supporting and enhancing the visitor economy – London’s role as a global centre for business and tourism

14th July, 14:00 – 16:00, Guildhall: Opportunities to increase residential use

25th July, 16:00 – 18:00, location tbc: Supporting the retail and hospitality sectors and the culture and creative industries

The final action plan following the results of the workshop will be released in September.

To join any of these workshops or ask a question, please contact