Political Activity

Fiona Parker has been selected as Labour’s new candidate for the West End by-election (WCC) which will be held on Thursday 19 September, replacing Cllr Jessica Toale. If elected she is expected to take a more active role when it comes to consultation on planning matters and representing residents.

Labour’s first Budget will take place on Monday 30 October. Key aspects that are likely to impact members are expected rises in capital gains tax, fuel duty and scrapping tax relief on pensions.

Key Public Affairs Activity

  • Cllr Geoff Barraclough came to the Yinka Llori installation launch on Friday 20 August and recorded a positive piece to camera for our social channels.
  • We have secured a meeting with Andy Lord, Commissioner of TfL on Friday 30 August to discuss pedicab licensing and regulation.
  • We have been in contact with the MET, GLA, WCC and Rachel Blake’s office to arrange a high level strategic meeting to discuss crime and safety.
  • We have liaised with the GLA about a walk around for Deputy Mayor Howard Dawber in order to influence and feed into the London Growth Plan.
  • We circulated a letter on behalf of The Hippodrome about rising crime and safety to our members calling for signatories.

Looking Ahead

  • Ros and the HOLBA team to speak at and attend a London Growth Plan engagement event hosted by BusinessLDN in partnership with the GLA and London Councils on Monday 2 September.
  • We will consider attendance at the Labour Party conference in late September.
  • We will submit our key policy asks ahead of the Budget on Monday 30 October.
  • We will engage with Fiona Parker if she is successful in the by-election .

If you have any questions or if you would like to discuss any of the above in further detail, please contact Antonia Stratford, Head of Public Affairs, at antonia@holba.london.