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Political Update – May 2024

Main Event – General Election

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has officially announced the date of the General Election as Thursday 4 July. Parliament has now dissolved and is next scheduled to sit on 9 July.

The campaign is now underway, with parties making policy announcements ahead of manifesto launches, which are typically released 18-29 days before polling day, often within days of each other.

We will engage with the new Government, as well as opposition parties, post General Election on our strategic public affairs priorities.

Political Activity

  • Met with Westminster City Council for their upcoming sustainable transport strategy to understand it and discuss how HOLBA can best engage and respond to the consultation.
  • Met with senior officials from Westminster City Council with other BIDs in Westminster as part of a regular quarterly meeting to discuss the future of BIDs, crime in Westminster and sustainable transport.
  • Met with TfL on issues including off-peak Friday fares, pedicab regulation and as part of their Business Advisory Group.

Looking Ahead

  • To work with TfL on how HOLBA and members can best work with them as part of their consultation on pedicabs.
  • To meet with Howard Dawber, Deputy Mayor, Business and Growth, for a tour of the area to discuss the key priorities for members.
  • Tim Barnes, the Conservative candidate to be MP for the Cities of London and Westminster constituency, will be invited to attend a future Board meeting to provide an overview of his priorities for the area.
  • Responding to WCC’s consultation on their upcoming sustainable transport strategy and participating in a roundtable, alongside our members, with the Council.

If you have any questions or if you would like to discuss any of the above in further detail, please contact Matt Panteli, Head of Public Affairs, at