Local election results
Friday 6 May 2022: Following yesterday’s local election, Labour have taken control of Westminster City Council, with results that saw Labour win 31 Councillors and the Conservatives win 23. The Labour Party will now be the largest party and will form a new administration. A council meeting to formally appoint the new leadership is currently scheduled for Wednesday 18 May.
Heart of London Business Alliance would like to congratulate the new administration for their election victory last night and we look forward to working with Councillors to help deliver their plan for a Fairer Westminster.
We welcome the incoming Council’s commitments to protect and invest in the high street, expand access to training and skills education, and increase police numbers which are in line with our own planned activities and objectives and are of vital importance to our members.
We will work with the incoming administration on their plans to introduce new arts, leisure and culture uses to the West End and to work with them and the Mayor to manage the unique role Westminster plays for London and the national economy, helping its economic powerhouse rebuild after the pandemic.
We would also take this opportunity to thank the outgoing Council for all their work and support. The past few years have been a difficult time for the West End but we are confident the worst is now over and the area can now move from survival to revival.