Data & Insights

Members can make the most of being in the West End with our reports on audience demographics, footfall, real estate and trends that impact the performance of our area.

Heart of London Business Alliance’s Data and Insights team provides regular, in-depth analysis on the performance of the Heart of London area including footfall, visitor spend and demographics as well as economic and real estate insights, venue distribution and more at no additional cost to our members.

Log in or sign-up to access all reports.

Annual Economic Real Estate Report

The Annual Economic and Real Estate Insights Report provides valuable market analysis and tracks key economic indicators across the wide range of premises in the Hear of London (HOL) area.

September 2023 (Benchmarking report)

Quarterly Economic Real Estate Reports

Heart of London Business Alliance distribute quarterly Economic Real Estate Reports which provide regular insights into the economics and performance of real estate across the Heart of London area. These reports act as a critical tool in our commitment to protect and promote the commercial and cultural well-being of London’s West End.