Political Update – October 2024
Political Activity
• The big news was of course the Autumn Budget. We summarised the main points for members and sent a comment to trade and local media. A short survey will also be sent to members this week to ascertain impact and the results will be used to inform our advocacy work.
• Following the Budget, the Government have published a discussion paper on reform of business rates and a corporate tax roadmap.
• The Government has also published a green paper on its proposed Industrial Strategy and we were pleased that the Creative Industries have been included as one of eight key sectors.
HOLBA Key Public Affairs Activity
• We held another positive meeting with TfL to discuss pedicab regulation and licensing. A consultation will be launched ‘early next year.’
• We held a roundtable with TfL and BusinessLDN to discuss transport provision. Our key asks included step free access at tube stations and an extension of the tube lines on a Thursday evening that service the West End.
• Mete Coban MBE, Deputy Mayor for Energy and the Environment provided us with a supportive quote for the launch of our new Net Zero Carbon Strategy.
• The campaign to reverse tax free shopping being led by Rocco Forte published an open letter to Rachel Reeves in the media – HOLBA were a signatory.
Looking Ahead
• We will be hosting Deputy Mayor Howard Dawber for a walkaround the Heart of London area on 6 November and briefing him on key growth opportunities and challenges for the area.We will also be hosting local MP Rachel Blake on a walkaround the area on 7 November and briefing her on our key priorities for the area.
• We will be working with the Westminster BIDs group to jointly convene a Crime Summit in the New Year
• We will be writing to the Department for Transport about legislation to regulate and manage the micromobility market following an approach by Cllr Kieron Williams, Leader of Southwark Council.