Public realm works commence on Sackville Street and Vigo Street
4 August 2023: Improvement works for Sackville Street and Vigo Street, in partnership with Westminster City Council, have commenced this week.
The first of Heart of London’s 44 public realm projects to break ground, the works will transform the streets with widened footways, an elegant sequence of trees and seating, a traffic free link to east Mayfair (already constructed), and an enhanced gateway from Regent Street, encouraging more footfall into Piccadilly.
Plans will be complete in separate phases:
- Phases 1-6: to be completed by Wednesday 29th November 2023 (weather permitting).
- Phases 7 & 8a/b will be completed in 2025 once Pegasus House Development is completed.
Works will take place:
- Monday to Friday – between 08:00am & 6:00pm
- Saturday – between 08:00am – 1:00pm