Shape our West End
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Heart of London Business Alliance is championing transformational public realm schemes in the heart of London. Our Placeshaping Strategy consists of over 40 priority projects, with five immediate priorities.
These proposals are constantly evolving and will be subject to statutory consultations, detailed collaborative design with residents, businesses and other stakeholders, and consents.

The Arts Quarter
The Arts Quarter will become a new cultural destination, knitting together 250+ years of heritage across theatre, fashion, craft, film and the visual arts.

St Martin’s Lane
View proposals for major improvements to reinvigorate the St Martin’s area, elevating its status as a core part of London’s West End.

Charing Cross Road
We propose vast improvements to Charing Cross Road to become a safer, cleaner, more inclusive and more easily accessible street.

Sackville Street and Vigo Street
Transforming a Mayfair gateway with an elegant sequence of trees and seating, as well as new footway space for alfresco dining.

Green Park Gateway
Proposals for a new Green Park and Piccadilly public realm scheme and spectacular gateway to the West End.