We offer our members the following services:
- SUSTAINABLE CITY CHARTER: we are supporting the Westminster Sustainable City Charter and Westminster’s support programmes for businesses to reduce carbon emissions, details here.
- GREEN LEASES: we promote the use of green leases to our property owner members. Advice on green leases can be found here.
- BUSINESS CLIMATE CHALLENGE: delivering the Mayor of London’s and Bloomberg Associates funded programme to retrofit older buildings to reduce their emissions. More information here.
- NET-ZERO CARBON: We support the transition to a zero-carbon West End. To help businesses improve their sustainability practices, we can provide resources about cycling & walking in the area, zero-emission vehicles & delivery services. More information here.
- CLEAN AIR: We are working with West End estates and neighbouring Business Improvement Districts in the Zero Emissions Group, which is committed to reducing commercial vehicles and their emissions by 80%. More information here.
- WASTE COMPACTORS: We secured Community Infrastructure Levy CIL funding from Westminster City Council to install waste and recycling compactors, which contribute to the reduction of commercial waste collections and increase recycling levels. More information here.
- CYCLING: We are developing a programme of priority cycling, walking and public realms schemes to encourage Healthy and sustainable travel.